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Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
I'll trade Ocrana my Limited edition Pikachu for Vykos
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
I think its for guys to figure out how much it would hurt getting stuck under a F1 car at various speeds....
South City's finest just got a whole lot SekCCCier
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Its been a long time coming....but its finally here! The S2 fleet is out, and I must say, us cabbies are looking mighty fine.

Our original skin - XFCAB.jpg kindly donated by the developers have served the cabbies well this past 2 years, and we kept it in as good a condition as we can (for some strange reason, S2 made it alot harder). So we'd like to take this opportunity to say a special thx (yea, talking to a skin...i know what your thinking).

Now to the new skin, the design is simple, the legendary Cabbie Yellow, plus some black for aggression....though it turned out to have more black than yellow, but what the heck. As for sponsors, well didnt put any, why you ask? I shall quote from one of my wise teammembers "SCCC is the bloody brandname", so there we go. But enough talk, anybody Need A Cab?

S2 Skins Showroom
Last edited by Lola Popeye, .
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
LIve for speed......Plasterer..........................LFS ..... Plasterer.......gee Scawen, must of been a hard decision for you
Chicks dig Cabbies!
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
oooooo yea

Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
How much did you pay?
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
it wont be as big of a problem if all the servers are running different cars/configs. Which helps give more variety for people, but i do agree theres alot of empty servers around.
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
thx for the replies guys, like i said earlier, this project isnt about getting more people to mouse/keyboard drivers, but merely helping out these who are already using it, and doesnt have a choice. Hopefully they will one day be able to get a wheel, but at least for now they can enjoy competitive racing with Ks and Mouse
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
good point fordie, but i think a ban will be better, and a £24 fee to get your account back. These guys sound like idiots, so chances are they cant do maths either
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
So are you suggesting, instead of of encouraging Keyboard and Mouse users, we should just tell em to get a wheel, and if they cant (which is probably, hence why their using Ks/Mouse inthe first place) they should just leave LFS?
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
you can vote after they quit apprantly
Project KAM (Keyboard and Mouse)
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Dear Members of the LFS Community,

There was a post on this forum recently, calling for banning of non-wheel devices. I think that has upset many of the keyboarders and mousers that exist within the community. So that got me thinking, instead of banning them, I am now going to do the opposite! I think its time to encourage Keyboard and Mouse drivers, no I’m not saying trash your wheel and use keyboard, what I mean is help out these players without a wheel and teach them how-to play and enjoy LFS with whatever controls they have.

With that in mind, my team, SCCabCo has decide that we, with the help of everybody in the Keyboard/Mouse community will create a comprehensive guide that will help Keyboarders/Mousers drive faster and as a consequence have more fun. Now I am not saying that miracles are going to happen, and Ks/Mouse players will top the hotlap charts, but I DO believe that these of us without a wheel can keep up with the majority of wheel users and have enjoyable close racing. How this will work is there will be a forum where all the keyboarders and mousers can gather and discuss tips, and share sets. Information from the forums will then be compiled into a neat little guide, and be regularly updated as new information comes in.

Now, many of you are probably asking ‘Just get a wheel you loser!’ or ‘Why are you guys doing this?’.

Answering the first question, there are many many reasons why some of us play with Keyboard/Mouse. Some of us simply can’t afford to buy a wheel, others might have a wheel, but still opt to use keyboard because it is much more convenient. For example, I don’t have 1-2 hour LFS sessions, when I have free time, I load up LFS and have a quick race or 2, I just don’t have the time to setup a wheel. Some people might not have the room to set-up a wheel, and for some students who sneaks in a game of LFS between ‘Study’, it is quite hard to make a wheel disappear quickly.

Why are we doing this? To put it simply, we just want to help out. Plus we believe helping Keyboarder’s and Mouser’s alike will ultimately support the growth of LFS. Let me explain, the Demo servers are the first impressions a player gets of the game, and whether he will ever buy S2 might be decided right then and there. Now if you visit some of the demo servers, it is not uncommon to see 30-50% of drivers using keyboard, and then you goto S2 and what do you find? There might be 1 Keyboard player per server sometimes, and usually none. Now where did that 30-50% go? A few might of bought S2 and then a wheel, but more likely than not, they got so frustrated with the game because they simply can’t drive well and gave up ‘it’s just too hard’. But if we can help just 100 of these players, and have them go on to buy S2, that’s 100 more players to the LFS community, and more money that goes into the development of our beloved game. We also believe this COULD help reduce the number of wreckers, I know it’s a stretch, but it’s a longshot, maybe if they learn how-to drive forward well, they’ll stay that way.

The SCCC team behind this is Myself, GianniC (GC), YnoT and Tukko, and we have received the thumbs up from legendary Keyboarders such as Orion, and current mouse superstar PartyBoyU.

I am hoping for a positive response from the community!

This project is still in its very early stages, but feel free to signup to the forums and start chatting it up.


And as we say - Keyboard Power! and/or Mouse Power!

[SCCC] Chensta Ex-Keyboarder, Current Mouser
Last edited by Lola Popeye, .
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Sure, no problem. Im a millionaire, didn't you know?

Pm me your bank detail's, and i'll transfer the funds into your account.

Im sure u'll need his pin details too, so u can check if the transactions went know just incase.
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Ive been KB and Mouse racer since the S1 days, and I am able to keep up with the best of em with GTI's (used to anyway ), and i can have great races with other cars, so its stupid to ban KB and Mouse. Everyday i meet mouse users and keyboard players who own a wheel, but cant be bothered set it up. Now if you just wanna give the server Admin the 'option' to ban them, then ofcourse alot of them r gonna go for it thinking 'it'll give cleaner races on my server'. Sorry, thats just no LFS
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
hey, raced ya a couple times! was very nice, hope you'll be back soon! and take care
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
regardless of how many votes you got for good looking, it does not apply to your avatar
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Ocrana a.k.a Vykos
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
hey, first i'd like to congratulate all the winning teams, runners up..hell every team in LFS, cause without you guys LFS just wont be the same.

Now as a reply to these posts that suspect sum fixing in the comp, well you can think what you want, but i can honestly say everything was fair

I also apologise that this wasnt publicised enough, but it was kinda a spur of the moment thing, and was put together within a few hours, I am sure the next one will be much bigger and better

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all these who votes for SCCC in the funniest team, we'll be displaying the plaque produly on our website for years to come
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
looks like a ad for a power rangers movie hehe
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
hey guys,

since the votes have been drying up, me and Fordman decided that it is best if we move the closing date for all votes to Midnight 19th September (GMT), so if you have any last minute votes, get them in quick! Prizes will hopefully be announced soon after.

Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
i thought u only need to use ur login to unlock s2 now... anyway try this -
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
okay question to the community - there is a chance that most people would have voted by the 1st week, so should i make the voting last that long? or finish on the last day of september as first planned
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Okay guys, voting has STARTED -, so start voting
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
yup it is its flying hehe
Sexy and Topless! Free avatars
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
lol, okay no images of the female kind here, but what i do have is avatars for a FXR convertible, seen here -

if you would like one for your team skin, let me know and i'll see what i can do, but please note, i dont have alot of time, so i might only do a few, so get in quick!